Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm late! I'm late! Oh, crap.

I know that this is late, but Happy Belated Halloween.

My Halloween wasn't very Halloween-ish. I spent it at the Fair.
I did see a few people who were dressed up. For examle, two women were dressed up as cats,and looked like...hum...sluts.

But hey, Halloween is the one day of the year where girls can dress however they want, and nobody is allowed to comment. So, really, I shouldn't judge, should I?

Oh dear. Too late.

To be honest, I no longer see the point of Halloween, but I guess that's just because I'm a hormonal teenager, huh?
I mean, I no longer dress up, I no longer go Trick or Treating, (do they even allow that in Monaco?), basically, I no longer "celebrate" it.

Well, I did spend the night before Halloween watching so called "horror" movies.
Such as Son of Chucky. Dear God, that is a crap film. It's not even scary, I was cracking up the whole way through, and the bloody thing is R rated.

Or Cursed, a film about stupid people getting bitten by stupid werewolves. I think that says enough.

I skipped The Exorcist, not because it was too scary, but because I got ten minutes into watching it and got bored.

So yeah, all in all, my run up to Halloween and Halloween itself weren't too crappy.

How about you?


Nils ALB said...

Well, i think the 2 womes just dressed up like that so people would look at them...

And they accomplished their goal didn't they?

Well, Halloween has become a commercial holiday and as we grow up, dressing up becomes more and more boring... (well that's what I think but who cares...?)

__- The Cake is a Lie -__

the_GIRL_had_IT said...

Well I care...I mean, when you think about it, you're right.

And those women DID accomplish their goal. EVERYONE was staring at them...XD